
s-profilePhilip Murphy is Director of the Institute of Commonwealth Studies and Professor of British and Commonwealth History at the University of London. He graduated with a doctorate from the University of Oxford and taught at the Universities of Keele and Reading before taking up his current post. He has published extensively on Twentieth Century British and imperial history and the history of the British intelligence community. He is the author of Party Politics and Decolonization: The Conservative Party and British Colonial Policy in Tropical Africa 1951-1964 (1995), Alan Lennox-Boyd: a Biography (1999) and Monarchy and the End of Empire: The House of Windsor, The British Government and the Postwar Commonwealth (2013), and the editor of British Documents on the End of Empire: Central Africa (2005). He is also co-editor of The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. 

s-profile1Sue Onslow is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies and LSE Associate of the Africa International Affairs Programme, LSE IDEAS at the London School of Economics. She has previously co-headed the Africa International Affairs Programme at LSE IDEAS, and held positions as lecturer in the Department of International History, and International Development at the LSE, and at the Department of War Studies at King’s College London. She was Principle Investigator on the AHRC funded oral history project ‘Why did you fight? Rhodesian Army Veterans and the Rhodesian civil war 1972-1980’ (2008-2010). She is author of Conservative Backbench Debate and its Influence on British Foreign Policy 1948-1957 (1997), editor of Cold War in Southern Africa: White Power, Black Nationalism (2009), and co-editor of Britain and Southern Africa: Road to Democracy (2011), and Southern Africa in the Cold War post 1974 (2013).

1385292_10153296737415403_265129546_nRuth Craggs is Lecturer in Cultural and Historical Geography at King’s College London. She graduated with a doctorate from the University of Nottingham and has previously held lectureships at the University of Hull and St Mary’s University College, London. She has published widely on British imperialism, decolonization, the ‘modern’ Commonwealth, and modernism, in both geography and history journals. She is editor of Cultures of Decolonization (forthcoming, with Claire Wintle) and is on the  Editorial Board of the London Journal and the Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs.