Witness Seminar – The heartbeat of a modern Commonwealth? The Commonwealth Secretariat 1965-2013

This witness seminar examined the role of the Commonwealth Secretariat in Commonwealth Affairs. It took place on June 24, 2013, Marlborough House, Pall Mall, London.

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Session 1 – The Office of the Secretary General

Session 2 – Political affairs, Legal affairs, Democracy and Human Rights

Session 3 – Sustainable Development 

Session 4 – Education and Health

Session 5 – The Commonwealth and Communication

Participants: (click here for participant biographies)

AB: Amitav Banerji / AE: Antony Ellman / EL: Edwin Laurent / GB: Gurudas Bailur / JK: Joel Kibazo / KY: Kayode Samuel / MB: Madhuri Bose / MG: Max Gaylard / MM: Muhammad Muda / MS: Michael Sinclair / PMA: Peter Marshall / PMU: Philip Murphy / PR: Patsy Robertson / PS: Purna Sen / PW: Peter Williams / RB: Richard Bourne / RJ:    Richard Jones-Perry / RU: Richard Uku / SC: Stephen Chan / SG: Simon Gimson / SMA: Stephen Matlin / SMO: Stuart Mole / SO: Sue Onslow / VK: Vijay Krishnarayan / VS: Veronica Sutherland

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