by rcraggs | Oct 27, 2013 | Apartheid, Australia, Canada, CHOGM, Civil Society, Climate Change, Commonwealth Institute, Commonwealth Secretariat, Democracy, Elections, European Economic Community, Fiji, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Guyana, Human Rights, India, Media, Mozambique, New Zealand, Nigeria, Race, South Africa, Uncategorized, United Kingdom, Zambia, Zimbabwe (see also Rhodesia)
Download Interview Transcript. Biography: Bourne, (Rowland) Richard. 27 July 1940- . OBE 2002. Journalist, The Guardian, 1962–72 (Education correspondent, 1968–72). Assistant Editor, New Society, 1972–77. Deputy Editor, Evening Standard, 1977–78; London Columnist,...
by rcraggs | Oct 26, 2013 | Angola, Apartheid, Botswana, Cold War, Diplomacy, European Economic Community, Falklands Islands, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, India, Media, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rhodesia (see also Zimbabwe), Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Uncategorized, Zambia, Zimbabwe (see also Rhodesia)
Download Interview Transcript. Biography: Somerville, Keith. British Broadcasting Company News, journalist 1980-2008; British Broadcasting Company World Service, journalist, 1985-2008; Legal Online (online course), 2005-2006; Executive Producer, Sources, Scoops, and...