by rcraggs | Nov 22, 2014 | Apartheid, Australia, Canada, CHOGM, Civil Society, Commonwealth Secretariat, Constitutional Change, Decolonisation, Development, Diplomacy, Elections, Fiji, Good Governance, Grenada, Guyana, New Zealand, Nuclear, Queen, Race, Small States, South Africa, Sport, Technical Assistance, Uganda, United Kingdom, United Nations, USA, Zambia, Zimbabwe (see also Rhodesia)
Download Interview Transcript. Biography: Laidlaw, Chris. 1943- . New Zealand rugby union player, 1962-1972; New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1972-195; International Energy Authority, 1975-1977; Assistant Commonwealth Secretary General, 1978-1986; New Zealand...
by rcraggs | Jan 28, 2014 | Canada, Commonwealth Secretariat, Constitutional Change, Democracy, Development, Diplomacy, Elections, Fiji, Guyana, India, Namibia, Rhodesia (see also Zimbabwe), Sexuality, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Uncategorized, United Nations, Zambia, Zimbabwe (see also Rhodesia)
Download Interview Transcript. NOTE: The respondent stipulates that, before 2018, researchers should seek permission from him before citing this interview in their work. Biography: Gomez, Raja. Head of the civil service college in Sri Lanka; Assistant Director of the...
by rcraggs | Oct 27, 2013 | Apartheid, Australia, Canada, CHOGM, Civil Society, Climate Change, Commonwealth Institute, Commonwealth Secretariat, Democracy, Elections, European Economic Community, Fiji, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Guyana, Human Rights, India, Media, Mozambique, New Zealand, Nigeria, Race, South Africa, Uncategorized, United Kingdom, Zambia, Zimbabwe (see also Rhodesia)
Download Interview Transcript. Biography: Bourne, (Rowland) Richard. 27 July 1940- . OBE 2002. Journalist, The Guardian, 1962–72 (Education correspondent, 1968–72). Assistant Editor, New Society, 1972–77. Deputy Editor, Evening Standard, 1977–78; London Columnist,...