by evanamusoke | Jan 6, 2017 | CHOGM, Civil Society, Commonwealth Secretariat, Development, Education, Gender, Health, Human Rights, India, Jamaica, Queen, Race, Sexuality, South Africa, Technical Assistance, West Indies/ West Indies Federation, Zimbabwe (see also Rhodesia)
Download Interview Transcript. Biography: Rowan-Campbell, Dorienne. Born in Jamaica. Educated at Carlton University, Canada. One of the founding members of Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW), 1976. Broadcast journalist for Canadian...
by evanamusoke | Feb 3, 2016 | Apartheid, CHOGM, Commonwealth Secretariat, Democracy, Diplomacy, Elections, Good Governance, Human Rights, India, Maldives, Pakistan, Queen, Sexuality, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Uganda, United Nations, Zimbabwe (see also Rhodesia)
Download Interview Transcript. Biography: Banerji, Amitav. 1953-. Born in India. Educated at Georgetown University (BA) and Delhi School of Economics (MA). Joined Indian Foreign Service in 1975. Private Secretary to the Indian Foreign Minister, 1979-1982. Joined...
by rcraggs | Jan 8, 2015 | Australia, Barbados, CHOGM, Civil Society, Commonwealth Secretariat, Constitutional Change, Eminent Persons Group, Health, Human Rights, Judiciary, Law, Malaysia, Sexuality, United Kingdom
Download Interview Transcript. Biography: Kirby, Michael, 1939-. Deputy President of the Australian Conciliation & Arbitration Commission, 1974-1975; inaugural Chairman of the Australian Law Reform Commission, 1975-84. Judge of the Federal Court of Australia,...
by rcraggs | Jan 28, 2014 | Canada, Commonwealth Secretariat, Constitutional Change, Democracy, Development, Diplomacy, Elections, Fiji, Guyana, India, Namibia, Rhodesia (see also Zimbabwe), Sexuality, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Uncategorized, United Nations, Zambia, Zimbabwe (see also Rhodesia)
Download Interview Transcript. NOTE: The respondent stipulates that, before 2018, researchers should seek permission from him before citing this interview in their work. Biography: Gomez, Raja. Head of the civil service college in Sri Lanka; Assistant Director of the...