by chrismoffat | Jan 16, 2015 | Australia, CHOGM, Civil Society, Commonwealth Foundation, Democracy, Environment, European Economic Community, Fiji, India, Judiciary, Law, New Zealand, Nuclear, Papua New Guinea, Queen, Reflections, Small States, United Kingdom
Download Interview Transcript. Biography: Satyanand, Anand. 1944- . Born in Auckland, New Zealand. Graduated from the University of Auckland, 1970. Lawyer, 1970-1982. Judge in Auckland District Court, 1982-1994. Parliamentary Ombudsman, 1995-2005. 19th...
by rcraggs | Jan 8, 2015 | Australia, Barbados, CHOGM, Civil Society, Commonwealth Secretariat, Constitutional Change, Eminent Persons Group, Health, Human Rights, Judiciary, Law, Malaysia, Sexuality, United Kingdom
Download Interview Transcript. Biography: Kirby, Michael, 1939-. Deputy President of the Australian Conciliation & Arbitration Commission, 1974-1975; inaugural Chairman of the Australian Law Reform Commission, 1975-84. Judge of the Federal Court of Australia,...
by rcraggs | May 10, 2014 | Civil Society, Commonwealth Secretariat, Constitutional Change, Democracy, Diplomacy, Good Governance, Human Rights, Law, Media, Uncategorized
This is session 2 of the Witness Seminar, The heartbeat of a modern Commonwealth? The Commonwealth Secretariat 1965-2013 which took place at Marlborough House, London, on 24th June, 2013. Download full Witness Seminar Transcript Session participants: (click here for...
by rcraggs | Jan 28, 2014 | Apartheid, Civil Society, Commonwealth Secretariat, Constitutional Change, Decolonisation, Democracy, Diplomacy, Elections, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Good Governance, Human Rights, Law, Malawi, Queen, Rhodesia (see also Zimbabwe), South Africa, Tanzania, Uncategorized, Zambia, Zimbabwe (see also Rhodesia)
Download interview Transcript. Biography: Slinn, Peter. Oxford (MA), London (PhD); Legal Advisor, UK Commonwealth Relations Office/Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1967-1977; Professor of international, constitutional and natural resources law at the School of...