by rcraggs | Jan 20, 2014 | Apartheid, Botswana, Cold War, Commonwealth Secretariat, Constitutional Change, Democracy, Elections, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Race, Rhodesia (see also Zimbabwe), South Africa, Tanzania, Uncategorized, United Kingdom, Zambia, Zimbabwe (see also Rhodesia)
Download Interview Transcript. Biography: Zazeraj, Victor. South African Foreign Service, 1974. Private Assistant to Pik Botha, 1981-1986; Consul-General in California 1986-1990; Director of the Foreign Ministry during South Africa’s time of political transition...
by rcraggs | Oct 27, 2013 | Apartheid, Australia, Canada, CHOGM, Civil Society, Climate Change, Commonwealth Institute, Commonwealth Secretariat, Democracy, Elections, European Economic Community, Fiji, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Guyana, Human Rights, India, Media, Mozambique, New Zealand, Nigeria, Race, South Africa, Uncategorized, United Kingdom, Zambia, Zimbabwe (see also Rhodesia)
Download Interview Transcript. Biography: Bourne, (Rowland) Richard. 27 July 1940- . OBE 2002. Journalist, The Guardian, 1962–72 (Education correspondent, 1968–72). Assistant Editor, New Society, 1972–77. Deputy Editor, Evening Standard, 1977–78; London Columnist,...
by rcraggs | Oct 4, 2013 | Apartheid, Australia, Barbados, Canada, CHOGM, Commonwealth Secretariat, Democracy, Development, Diplomacy, Elections, Eminent Persons Group, European Economic Community, Fiji, Good Governance, Grenada, Human Rights, India, Jamaica, Malaysia, Maldives, Mozambique, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Queen, Race, Rhodesia (see also Zimbabwe), Singapore, Small States, South Africa, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom, United Nations, USA, Zimbabwe (see also Rhodesia)
Download Interview Transcripts: Part One (12th November 2012); Part Two (16th October 2013). Biography: Sanders, Sir Ronald Michael KCMG, KCN (1948 – ) Public Affairs Adviser to Prime Minister of Guyana, 1973-76; Representative to UNO, New York ( – 1983)...
by rcraggs | Sep 27, 2013 | Apartheid, Bangladesh, Canada, CHOGM, Democracy, Diplomacy, Elections, Ghana, Good Governance, Grenada, Human Rights, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan, Race, Rhodesia (see also Zimbabwe), South Africa, Tanzania, Uncategorized, United Kingdom, Zambia, Zimbabwe (see also Rhodesia)
Download Interview Transcript: Part One (1 May 2013); Part Two (2 October 2013). Biography: Anyaoku, Eleazar Chukwuemeka. 1933- . Born in Obosi, Nigeria. Commonwealth Development Corporation, 1959-1963. Member, Nigeria’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations,...
by rcraggs | Sep 27, 2013 | Australia, Canada, CHOGM, Cold War, Decolonisation, Diplomacy, Fiji, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Good Governance, Human Rights, Malaysia, Mozambique, NATO, New Zealand, Nigeria, Nuclear, Pakistan, Queen, Race, Singapore, South Africa, Uncategorized, United Kingdom, United Nations, USA, Zimbabwe (see also Rhodesia)
Download Interview Transcript Biography: Carrick, Roger John. 1937- . KCMG 1995; CMG 1983; LVO 1972. Entry to FO, 1956
. Served in Royal Navy, 1956-58. School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London, 1961. Sofia, 1962. FO desk officer, Jordan; then...
by rcraggs | Sep 11, 2013 | Apartheid, Barbados, Constitutional Change, Decolonisation, Development, Human Rights, Jamaica, Kenya, Malawi, Queen, Race, Rhodesia (see also Zimbabwe), Small States, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, United Kingdom, West Indies/ West Indies Federation, Zambia, Zimbabwe (see also Rhodesia)
Download Interview Transcript. Biography: Kirkman, William, MBE. Journalist: Wolverhampton Express & Star; Africa Correspondent and Commonwealth Staff Correspondent, The Times; BBC World Service, 1960s; BBC Africa Service, 1960s; BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, 1990s;...