by evanamusoke | Apr 28, 2017 | CHOGM, Civil Society, Climate Change, Commonwealth Foundation, Commonwealth Institute, Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG), Commonwealth Secretariat, Constitutional Change, Democracy, Development, Diplomacy, Education, Elections, Eminent Persons Group, Environment, Good Governance, Human Rights, India, Maldives, Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), Queen, Small States, Sri Lanka, Technical Assistance, Trade and Investment, United Nations
Download Interview Transcripts: Part One (9 March 2016) and Part Two (29 March 2016) Biography: Sharma, Kamalesh. 1941-. Born in India. Educated at St Stephen’s College, Delhi and University of Cambridge. Indian Foreign Service, 1965-2001. India’s Permanent...
by evanamusoke | Oct 21, 2016 | Blog, Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG), Democracy, Elections, Good Governance, Human Rights, Maldives, Small States
Dr Eva Namusoke, Postdoctoral Research Officer On 13 October 2016 the Maldives became the third country to leave the Commonwealth. The decision came after a number of years defined by a frosty relationship with the Commonwealth, centring on allegations of undemocratic...
by evanamusoke | Feb 3, 2016 | Apartheid, CHOGM, Commonwealth Secretariat, Democracy, Diplomacy, Elections, Good Governance, Human Rights, India, Maldives, Pakistan, Queen, Sexuality, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Uganda, United Nations, Zimbabwe (see also Rhodesia)
Download Interview Transcript. Biography: Banerji, Amitav. 1953-. Born in India. Educated at Georgetown University (BA) and Delhi School of Economics (MA). Joined Indian Foreign Service in 1975. Private Secretary to the Indian Foreign Minister, 1979-1982. Joined...
by chrismoffat | Jun 9, 2015 | CHOGM, Commonwealth Secretariat, Decolonisation, India, Kenya, Maldives, New Zealand, Nigeria, Nuclear, Pakistan, Queen, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe (see also Rhodesia)
Download Interview Transcripts: Part One (27th February 2013); Part Two (8th April 2014). Biography: McKinnon, Donald Charles. 1939- . Born in London, United Kingdom. Educated at Lincoln Agricultural College, New Zealand. Elected as Member of Parliament for Albany,...
by chrismoffat | Jan 22, 2015 | Apartheid, Australia, Canada, CHOGM, Commonwealth Secretariat, Cyprus, Diplomacy, Elections, Fiji, Grenada, India, Maldives, Reflections, Singapore, Small States, South Africa, Technical Assistance, Uganda, Uncategorized, United Kingdom, United Nations, USA, Zimbabwe (see also Rhodesia)
Download Interview Transcript. Biography: Craft, Nickless Hugh. Born in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. Graduated from the University of Cambridge, 1971 (BA) and 1974 (MA). Australian Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT), 1971-1979, with diplomatic postings...
by rcraggs | Jul 9, 2014 | Apartheid, Australia, Bangladesh, CHOGM, Cold War, Commonwealth Institute, Commonwealth Secretariat, Constitutional Change, Decolonisation, Democracy, Development, Diplomacy, Elections, European Economic Community, Fiji, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Good Governance, Maldives, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Queen, Rhodesia (see also Zimbabwe), Rwanda, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Uncategorized, United Kingdom, United Nations, USA, Zambia, Zimbabwe (see also Rhodesia)
Download Interview Transcript: Part One (5 June 2013); Part Two (8 August 2013); Part Three (11 March 2014). Biography: Neuhaus, Matthew. Australian Diplomat. Postings to Papua New Guinea; Canberra; Counsellor to the Australian Mission in the United Nations, New York;...